

Ildfast is a company that is constantly growing and developing. In this section, we publish news and other items that we hope will be of interest to our readers.

New Ildfast website

We are delighted to finally go live with our new website, which represents a real upgrade in terms of both design and content.

New employees

In 2023, we have taken on several talented colleagues.

Ildfast needs more space

In order to maintain the positive momentum we are experiencing, we have started extensive work on expanding our premises in Vestby together with our owners.

New framework agreement for Ildfast

Ildfast AS is proud to have been awarded a new contract, this time for Tafjord Kraftvarme AS.

In training

Sarah and Trine on their first on-site visit. 

Dry-ice blasting

Effective cleaning without water or chemicals.

The heating installation is the very heart of the company

Correct maintenance is vital in order to maintain safe production and operation.